Our Services
General  Health Minor  Surgery Travel  Advice Vaccinations

for adults and children

Sweet Shap
Private 4 strain influenza vaccine available for $20. Please book an appointment online or call 3204 8899.


During these challenging times you can consult with your doctor from home via phone. Please call to book your telehealth appointment on 07 3204 8899.

Managing Covid-19 At Home

Consultation Fees

Rothwell Family Practice is a mixed billing practice.
Click here to view our consultation fees

Influenza vaccine is available

Private 4 strain influenza vaccine available for $20.

Provision of new specialist services

Please phone surgery to make appointment for

  • Skin cancer surgery
  • Circumcision (under the age of six months)
  • Mirena Insertion
  • Vasectomy

Female Doctor

A female doctor is available at the clinic.

About Us

about hafl bg

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

After Hours

  • Call "National Home Doctor Service" on 137425 (13SICK)

Rothwell Family Practice

Rothwell Family Practice serves to provide optimal care for our patients. The physicians at the practice are concentrated on delivering convenient and quality service for children and adults alike.

Here at Rothwell Family Practice, we put your needs first by staying open five days a week. From answering your questions to performing minor surgeries, we help you stay in good health so that you may focus on the most important aspects of your life.

This practice is accredited by Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) and General Practice Training Queensland GPTQ. 2 of the senior doctors are GP Trainers.

Being accredited means that our General Practice is committed to a comprehensive program which involves:

  1. Engaging our whole practice team to review our practice’s systems and processes
  2. Opening our practice doors to allow a team of independent surveyors to assess how our practice operates
  3. Assessment of our practice, and achievement of the nationally recognised Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for general practices, that focus on health care quality and patient safety.

Next time you visit our practice be sure to look out for the AGPAL Accredited General Practice Symbol (below) or our accreditation certificate. Our practice team is proud of this achievement and as part of this process we continuously strive to make quality improvements to better your patient experience.

Practice accreditation is an independent recognition that a practice meets the requirements of governing industry standards. These are set by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).

The Practice


Offering a wide range of patient services

  • General medical consultations
  • Diabetes Checks, Blood pressure checks
  • Emergency consultations
  • Mental health checks and psychology referrals
  • Children developmental checks, immunisations
  • Cholesterol checks, including dietary assessment and weight loss advice
  • Annual medical assessments and Care plans
  • Respiratory function analysis for Asthma and Emphysema.
  • Travel advice and vaccinations
  • Influenza and Pneumonia vaccine administration
  • Well-man screening
  • Contraceptive, pregnancy and menopause advice
  • Pap smears
  • Work Cover, employment, Boxing and MMA medicals
  • Minor Surgery and Skin Cancer Checks
  • Long appointments available upon request for multiple medical problems
  • Part-time registered nurse
Please note: Driver's medical examination and Centrelink certificates cannot be done on the first visit as doctor needs medical records from the previous doctor

Practice Billing Principles

Rothwell Family Practice is a mixed billing practice.

Consultation Fees

Appointments are recommended. Please cancel your appointment if you no longer need it as this will open space up for others. Failure to attend an appointment twice without notification of cancellation will incur a $40 non-attendance fee.

Process for the Follow-Up of Results/Prescriptions/Referrals

Patients are contacted by the surgery staff within 24 hours time to relay an urgent test result. For non urgent results, it can take 2-5 days before patients are contacted to make an appointment.

Patients are contacted via text messages and by following the prompts through these text messages, patients can make follow up appointments as well.

For non-urgent test results, we make 3 attempts to contact the patient and depending upon the nature of the test results, we will post a letter as well. Patients are advised to make sure that they inform surgery about their up to date contact details. If the contact details are not up to date, we may not be able to contact the patients and relay the test results notifications.

Health Information Management Policy

This practice abides by the current Privacy Act and all the information given by the patients is guarded with the highest possible standard of confidentiality. If you wish to see a copy of our privacy policy please see the reception desk.

No patient records will be released without the treating doctor's permission and written consent from the patient. Requests for transfers of medical records can be made at the reception desk. The practice charges a fee for printing notes. Please see the reception desk for further details.

How to Provide Feedback or Make a Complaint

Please ask for the feedback form or complaints form from our friendly front desk staff. We request that if you can kindly give the form directly to one of our staff members, this can be sealed in an envelope for review by the Practice Principle or Practice Manager if you prefer a more private and confidential method. You may also contact rothwellfamilypractice@gmail.com to make a complaint.

Languages spoken by the doctors: English, Urdu, Punjabi, and Hindi. Please check with the reception desk for the appropriate doctor for the language required. Should you require services from an interpreter, please inform the reception desk or call:

Translating and Interpreting Services: 131 450

NABS Interpreter: 1800 246 945

Welcome to our X-RAY

We have the high-quality x-ray machine and our technique is so much experienced. We delivered x-ray report within one hour.

After handover x-ray report we give initial advice of an experienced doctor and suggest related experienced doctor.

Visiting Doctors

Dr. Zafar Iqbal

MBBS MRCP(UK) | MRCGP (UK) | FRACGP (Australia) | Certificate in Diabetes (UK) | Certificate in Skin Cancer Medicine (University of Queensland) | Certificate in Skin Cancer Surgery (University of Queensland) | Certificate in Advanced Dermatoscopy | Histopathology(University of Queensland)

Dr. Iqbal has vast experience both in General Medicine and General Practice. He received training in United Kingdom and has completed two post-graduate degrees in the UK and one in Australia. He has a special interest in chronic disease management including diabetes, heart failure, asthma, kidney problems, mental health problems, skin cancer and minor surgery.

Dr. Syed Adnan Naqvi

MBBS MRCGP(UK) | FRACGP(Australia) | Diploma In Dermatology (UK) | Diploma In Sexual and Reproductive Health(UK) | Certificate in Skin Cancer Medicine (University of Queensland) | Certificate in Skin Cancer Surgery (University of Queensland)

Dr. Naqvi has completed his extensive post- graduate studies in United Kingdom. He has a special interest in skin cancer medicine, sexual health and aged care.

Dr. Premila Balakrishnan


Dr. Balakrishnan has a vast experience in General Practice. She is a very caring doctor and has special interest in managing chronic diseases in particular women's health.

Dr. Sinikiwe Ncomanzi

Dr. Kiki is excited to commence her GP training at Rothwell Family Practice. She grew up in north Queensland and graduated from James Cook University in 2020. Dr Kiki has worked in a wide variety of departments in the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service, The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and the Prince Charles Hospital, as well as doing some locum work.

While she works within the full scope of general practice, she particularly enjoys women’s and children’s health. In her free time she enjoys spending time with family and friends, baking, and staying active.

Experienced Doctors

Professional Staff

Happy Patients

about hafl bg


If you would like to make an appointment with any specialist just use the HotDoc form on the right.

Please Note: Failure to attend an appointment twice on a weekday (Monday to Friday) will be charged $40.

Get In Touch


Unit 2, 618 Deception Bay Road, Deception Bay, 4508


07 3204 8899


07 3204 8866

